Employee pc monitoring software | Easyuac

Employee pc monitoring software

Best employee tracking software for 14 days free
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Monitor your free employees for 14 days

Thanks to the Easyuac employee tracking and monitoring software, you can monitor and monitor all your employees remotely and from any device. Easyuac is a track and trace program that works silently and does not give any notification to the user. It takes notes of what actions and activities your employees took during the working hours and produces meaningful reports. It also records the computer screens of all employees. All users' screens can be watched live remotely in real time. Thanks to the efficiency indicators, you are informed about how efficient the employees are during the day.

It is possible to watch the Easyuac computers live and at the same time, these images are recorded in real time and in the cloud system (every 90 seconds). You can access past image records from any device and location whenever you want.

emoloyee monitoring software

Since Easyuac is a cloud-based software, you can easily watch the screens live from any browser-equipped pc, tablet or mobile phone.

We believe in empowering team productivity

We uncover insights into HOW employees and teams work so you can understand:

  • Where do they spend their time?
  • What bottlenecks are in their way?
  • Who are top performers and what success patterns are repeatable?
  • Are they aligned with their roles?
  • What are their distractions?
  • What is their level of engagement?
  • Who might be on the verge of burnout?

With deep data analytics, Easyuac gives you the answers you need to help your workforce and your business be successful and provides the workflow to make it happen.

Analyze workforce productivity

Get a clear picture of how work gets done. Leverage data insights to analyze where time is spent and how to improve less productive behaviors to drive business.

  • Get a clear picture of how work gets done.
  • Understand how employees utilize their time.
  • Remove wasteful practices and distracting environments.
  • Analyze productive behaviors to establish a top performing baseline.
  • Leverage productivity insights to help drive more business.

Effectively manage your remote workforce

Monitor employee activity including working hours, engagement, and productivity behaviors of remote workers.

  • Get visibility into how remote employees utilize their time.
  • Resolve workflow bottlenecks in operational systems.
  • Discover productivity insights across dispersed teams.
  • Analyze activity and behavior to ensure accountability.
  • Uncover compliance and security gaps from offsite access.
the best emoloyee monitoring software

Track and analyze trends with workforce analytics

Analyze insights in context so you can optimize workforce behaviors and take action on the findings to enhance productivity, business processes and the overall employee experience.

  • Measure productivity benchmarks across teams.
  • Learn workload patterns to identify misaligned skill sets.
  • Get data insights on dispersed teams’ collaboration behavior.
  • Generate reports with pre-built dashboards for Power BI and Tableau.
  • Integrate activity data with other business data sources (e.g. CRM, EPM, SIEM, etc.).

Employee monitoring and activity analytics

Get an accurate picture of each employee’s performance and intent. Make informed management decisions and eliminate uncertainty about suspected behavior.

  • Uncover workflow bottlenecks and poor operational processes.
  • Ensure employee privacy with data collected.
  • Discover team workload discrepancies and redistribution opportunities.
  • Reduce costs with better visibility of application usage.

Analyze and optimize operational efficiency

Understand employee workflows, discover bottlenecks and poor organizational structures to better streamline operations.

  • Data with context provides the real picture of how work gets done.
  • Establish operational baselines that accurately reflect the business.
  • Understand employee utilization of time and make needed adjustments.
  • Uncover root cause of spikes in workload.

Ensure data privacy and compliance

Uncover compliance gaps, ensure sensitive data privacy, and quickly respond to audits with deep-dive compliance reporting generated with a few clicks.

  • Identify patterns of mishandling PII data and make adjustments.
  • Use data insights to quickly detect and review high risk activities.
  • Uncover compliance and security gaps from offsite access.
  • Remove wasteful practices and distracting environments.

Managers should have regular check-ins about goals and progress, just like any other critical KPI. For example, goals could include a 10 percent increase in sales, a 10 percent satisfaction in support and 5 percent less time spent on entertainment websites.

Start free trial for 14 days now